“The most powerful thing I experienced was the powerful growth in me.
I've learnt to "be me" and follow my heart.
This course has CHANGED MY LIFE.”
-Brian Smith, participant June 2020
All around the world we are seeing a powerful shift in the global consciousness.
People around the world are going through A Dark Night of the Soul and awakening to who they really are, realising the life they are living, who they are being, what they are carrying, no longer resonates with who they truly are.
You’ve landed here because you know you’re part of this.
And this course is the space that holds you and welcomes you to change your life.
This course is designed to help you strip back the ego and uncover your soul, activate your true power, let go of what is holding you back from your true purpose and help you step into it.
How to be your own source of strength and build your resiliency
Ego vs Truth and how to know the difference
Integrate your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energy
How to find your voice and speak your truth
To set yourself free from hiding or playing small
Discover your core beliefs and how they are creating your life
Tune into and enhance your intuition
How to create healthy boundaries
Make clear decisions and take confident action
To release stress, anxiety, anger and grief
To listen to the wisdom of your body
Discover your Spirit Animal and use its wisdom to guide your life
Be Authentically You
You are realising there is more to this life than you’ve been lead to believe.
You want to increase your intuition, understand yourself deeper, unlock limiting beliefs and create boundaries to help you get more of what you’d love in life.
You are ready to speak your truth, trust yourself more and make empowered decisions.
"You have the power to heal your life, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, but we’re not. We always have the power of our minds.
Claim and consciously use your power."
– Louise L. Hay
“This course got me to really dive into that story and be aware of it running me unconsciously, and to be aware of the language I was using on a daily basis. I am more aware of the creator in me and not so judgemental of the saboteur. You were natural and warm And held space beautifully for us.
I loved the topics some of them I hadn’t delved to deep and that was inspiring that you took us on that journey with topics that could be controversial to some. We each received something we needed because of that. Thank you beautiful for your time and effort, you’re a special soul and your gifts showed up as kindness, gentle and strong.”
Sherin Warren, Coach
“Amanda, you are pure magic. The golden ball meditation and breathing techniques gave me the ultimate self preservation tool to use when feelings of anxiety, anger etc started to rise. I use this practice every day, sometimes more than once and it has contributed greatly to my mental wellbeing. A powerful moment for me was learning why I believe what I do, the negative and positives. This circle was a huge shifting point for me and my mentality when it comes to the way I perceive others and myself. I found the exercises to set our boundaries very empowering, I realised how much of a people pleaser I had become. It was powerful to learn how much of ourselves we are giving away by not respecting our own boundaries. I will take my power back! I was cracked open when revisiting my childhood which in hindsight I will be eternally grateful for as it was a powerful healing moment for me.
You weave webs of love and light that hold people together and heal them. Every word and gesture is heartfelt and genuine. You hold such a sacred space for us to learn and grow, I just don’t think I will ever have the words to truly articulate how grateful and blessed I am to have met you.”
Rhiannon Meade
“I gained freedom from my old stories and limiting beliefs are what get in the way of me stepping into my greatness. I also recall the inner child work here & how emotional I was to see young Joanne again & how happy and vivid she was. It was at this point I remember that is my essence and that I need to stop masking that joy which is shared through dance, song and my overall zest for life. I AM NOT TOO MUCH!
Unpacking fear (ego) was incredibly helpful but the most moving moment was when I wrote down the statement "my ego just wants me to hold on to what is safe" I truly felt that & am still working on this part of myself. By doing this work, I am seeing that surrendering to the intuition/highest self is much more aligned than just operating in fear. Looking at the power of the womb space really resonated with me. What an emotional experience that hit me deep in my soul. Our tribe really saw me....they really got me! It hit me hard that I am full of zest, life and joy & that my voice is powerful. I am an inspiration to others & will promise to be of service to the world as I step into my true being. I just loved it! Thank you again! Pure magic, pure love.”
Joanne Panetta, Director of Education
​24 easy to watch video tutorials
4 powerful meditation journeys
Sacred rituals
A workbook to guide you full of wisdom and powerful processes that you can reference for the rest of your life
A welcoming support group to guide you on this journey
Welcome & intention setting
How to create your structure for success
How to be self responsible
Awakening & Dark Night Of The Soul
The power of intention
Creating sacred ritual
Frequency, Vibration & Tuning In
The Spiral Path: Life & Death
Ego v Truth
Connecting to your intuition
How to set boundaries
How to become embodied
Finding your voice & speaking your truth
The integrated feminine: The Archetypes
Masculine & feminine energies
Victim triangle
Own your pleasure: Sensuality and Sexuality
How to process emotions
Meet your Spirit Animal
Completion & Gratitude
This is not just another online course. This is a sacred accumulation of thousands of hours of healings, coaching and training condensed into one groundbreaking journey.
This is solid information, tools and practices that are priceless. I haven’t seen any other course out there that covers this many topics for this price structure.
The investment is £555 GBP.
Purchase the course plus a 1:1 session to help guide you for £755.
Course plus 6 sessions is £2,000 (RRP £2,155).
This is the course I needed when I began my Awakening 12 years ago. Not only that, it is the course I still need now, as a Transformation Leader and Guide.
The wisdom and tools included here are timeless, and for all people, at all stages of their journey.
This course will transform your life.
My intention is to bring together the most powerful tools and practices in one space for you to enjoy.
It was truly my pleasure to create this. I'm so excited to share it with you.
With deep love and gratitude,
Amanda x
“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”
– Walt Disney
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OR, an easier way is to login in at the top right of the page using the credentials you entered above and then come back to this page click the button above again.
See you on the other side x